Alchemy in my Life: Soul Calling Found and Realized Part 2, College to 49 years old

Kerry / Kerry Lee: College Highlights:
Tried to get back in touch with my creative side majoring in graphic design but got a “D” in pottery and couldn’t illustrate very well, so I lost my courage to voice my authentic self, the real truth of my soul calling and being a creative.
Ended up receiving a degree in practical Business Administration and Marketing instead. No regrets on what I did but, “creative constipation” began and I rarely created except for an occasional cross-stitch.
Kerry: Early Adult Years Highlights:
Dabbled on and off in classes for drawing, painting, sculpture, beadwork, glass fusing and mosaics; always enjoyed the process, usually liked the results but no creative juices flow steadily. Creative constipation continues.

Kerry: Marriage & Family Years Highlights:
Steady and fairly successful but unfulfilled with my career in business, marketing, event planning, and business development.
Married and raised one beautiful daughter.
In 2000, became an entrepreneur with my then husband for his passion, a coffee house & micro-roastery. My goal was to provide value through a viable business so I could go create all day in an art studio without the pressure to earn money with those creations. Satisfaction was found in hosting other artists with rotating monthly exhibits and musicians three days a week in the venue we created. Our business was accepted into the newly formed William Clinton Foundation Entrepreneur Mentoring Program.
Kerry: Age 49 Darkness Hits:
My marriage of almost 18 years and the coffee business we shared didn’t work out. In 2009, at age 49, I had $1,000 to my name.
Decided if I had to start again I would only be authentic “Kerry Lee” and at last would follow my own internal navigational stars and recreate a life that fit me and my dreams and let that creative spirit fly free.
To Read Part III - My Life in This Life, click HERE